Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of February 26, 2007
Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Lauren McMullen (LM), Nasos Phillips (NP), Sergio Coviello (SC), Rita Mullin (RM)
Staff: Brian Wood (BW), Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Audience: LUC Committee members William Reed, Michael Tyner and Karen Martin.
(MP) 7:04pm Quorum, meeting called to order
Minutes from 2/05/07
(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to approve minutes from February 05, 07 P&R committee meeting.
(NP) Nasos Phillips seconds the motion.
In Favor: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
New Business
NRSA New request for Land to Build Ice Rink
A discussion was had regarding the NRSA (North Reading Skating Association) asking the committee
about the possibility of looking at Town owned land that may be available to build a town ice rink and
also fundraising to support the project.
Presentation of the Open Space Plan
Julia Walker from Tainter & Associates made a presentation on the current proposal for an Open Space
Plan (OSP). With the following members of the LUC committee; Karen Martin, Bill, Reed and Mike
Tyner; along with the P&R committee, there were talks regarding the benefits of an OSP, receiving
grants, whose responsibilities it is for an OSP, setting town wide goals, the longevity of an OSP, and The
need of keeping an updated OSP. Parks & Recreation committee and the LUC Committee set a date
for March 12th for a joint meeting to go over OSP and see if the approve of its contents and/or whether
anything needs to be changed, deleted or added.
Julia Walker will print 20 copies of the completed OSP and forward them to the committee for distribution.
IRP Hockey issues and Discussion
Jason Montanaro join the P& R Committee for his advice and overview of what he thinks of the current
Condition and situation of the IRP hockey Rink. Jason has approached the committee in the past
regarding the repairs that need to be made to the rink and has offered to help out with them.
Jason has agreed that the rink is in very poor condition but hopes that the committee will consider not
closing the rink until we can further research the expense of the repairs and to see if he can rally
volunteers to help repair the rink. The discussion of the rink will be revisited at a future meeting.
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Old Business
Food & Wine Tasting Status
A discussion was had on the status of the restaurants to be serving food at the event, along with
other arrangements which have been completed for the event. The committee went over the tickets sales
and responsibilities that are left to be completed. Also, silent auction items were discussed along
with volunteers and staffing.
Wheeler property - revisited
The committee concurred that since the last meeting there has been no new status on updates for the
Wheeler property. They are still looking into the research phase of the plan. This topic will be revisited.
TurfCo Top Dresser
The Parks & Recreation Committee have concluded to move ahead with a 3 year lease on this piece
of equipment which will benefit the care and maintenance of many town fields and properties along
with maintaining a proactive budget through leasing the equipment.
Improvements at IRP
A discussion was had regarding the upcoming improvements at Ipswich River Park for the
implementation of the new volleyball fields and the construction of a new permanent bathroom facility.
A summary description of the courts and bathroom were given, however, then final plans will be
available soon but are not completed as of yet.
Financials for FY07
A summary of the financials were overviewed. The budget remains on track and no new major
adjustments have been made or requested. Revisit at next meeting.
Other Business
Email regarding basketball issue
After fully researching an email that was forwarded to the committee regarding the ethics of a said
person coaching, the committee has concluded that there is no formal action needed to be taken on
their behalf . It has been concluded that as of right now the committee would have no jurisdiction
over this issue and that the said issue was handle at the time of the instance occurred. However, the
committee has expressed its interest in leading up a League Code of Ethics Adhoc committee to patrol
and police situation that arrive such as these.
(RM) A motion was made by Rita Mullin at 10:13 pm to adjourn the meeting.
(SC) Sergio Coviello second the motion
In Favor: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0